‘A Word on Failure’ This spoke to me deep, so I must share with you in hopes your heart will take it as mine did. Tell that terror that keeps you from crucially learning how to succeed to go f*ck itself. You deserve to fail. And I mean crash and burn, annihilate, blow up fail without the terrifying weight of being a “failure” or less than anything of what you are. It is human. It is necessary. You deserve to fail without embarrassment, because without failure there is no SUCCESS. We learn from it. We grow. It’s not the end telling us that we’re not good enough. It’s giving us a second chance, saying “that’s it! keep going! you’re almost there!” So keep going. Fail and fail and fail again, because that is how we rise and succeed. You were still a bad bitch during, and you are still the same bad bitch now. Don’t let them dull you down. (Also follow @ joysullivanpoet on IG. Her poems make me scream into my pillow) We love and adore you Drink your water 🤍✨
Posted by bodylovesanctuary at 2023-11-07 18:34:34 UTC