Hello beautiful souls, I don't know what I can/can't post in here, but it seems like a great place to be safely vulnerable, so imma go for it (which is not like me, tbh). I've been using the app for 2 days, and I can already tell how much I needed this in my life!!! I'm a 41 year old mom of three who....is so self-critical it's sometimes paralyzing. There are many things I like about me, but not many I LOVE. Compliments make my skin crawl - even when they come from my beautiful husband - and I have spent too many hours, days, weeks of my life picking myself apart and comparing myself to others. Part of the reason why I joined this community is because I'm just so sick of minimizing myself and keeping the feminine side of me completely dark. I haven't received my heels yet, so I have been doing some of the embodiment routines, and I just cringe so hard when I watch the playback of the videos I record. I look stiff, uncomfortable, and tightly wound, and I wonder if I've always been this way, or if my years of making myself small have dimmed whatever lightness was there at some point. I took ballet for years as a kid/teen, and I love dancing, so I'm super excited to continue learning and practicing, and I hope that I will eventually loosen up and embrace the challenges and insecurities so I can come out on the other side as a stronger, more confident baddie. I have a 7 year old daughter, and the last thing I want her to see is me not loving myself, thinking that's the norm, you know? I want to set the example that women are beautiful, capable, strong queens who's light should shine bright and proud. Annnnyway, that's all I've got for now. Felt good to release that into an actual space and get it out of my brain. If you read this, thank you! I appreciate you.
Posted by Deleted (f2146b3d) at 2023-11-02 16:56:43 UTC