Healing starts and ends with you. Only YOU can give you the kind of unconditional, priceless, infinite love that you deserve. Sometimes I find myself running mad, trying to grab and latch onto the first thing I can find to give myself stability. But every time it fails me. As said here, it’s a “temporary fix”. Short lived. A shattering wall of glass. Then I finally turned to myself. Exhausted. Defeated. And immediately was met with arms wrapped around me, love that was warm and inviting and like home. A love with no expectation, no secret motive, no cost. Just a love that asked me to come as I am, with whatever baggage, and just be. To lay it all out and breathe. There should be no judgment when it’s your own love you seek. Because you are a human learning how to be a human for the first time, and that is more than enough. You deserve the love you give so freely to the world. Even if at first you must do it with shaking words. We love you so deep You love you so deep Drink your water 💕

Posted by bodylovesanctuary at 2023-09-22 17:28:37 UTC