I recently heard: “I am _____, therefore I exist.” It was in reference to anger, proving that what we feel is real, and what we feel proves us as what we are, HUMAN. It’s a sentence I have been using to ground myself when things go awry. When life has overwhelmed me and pulled me from my physical body and I can’t quite get ahold of it. Taking a moment to say “I am ____, therefore I exist.” Because who you are always shows you exist. You are in this world, you are taking up space, and you DESERVE to. You deserve to breathe the oxygen of the earth, to climb the trees, to stomp in rain puddles, to scream into the sky, to set boundaries, to laugh, to be WHO YOU ARE and not apologize for a single second. YOU ARE _____, THEREFORE YOU EXIST! (And you fill in the blank 😉) You exist, and we are so lucky to witness you. We love you deep. Drink your water 💕
Posted by bodylovesanctuary at 2023-09-07 01:04:42 UTC