MIRROR WORK: "ONLY LOVE" 💕✨ In honor of BODYLOVE's birthday, I wanted to bring back this vulnerable meditation. Before BODYLOVE was the App and the business and this badass space, it was simply a week long online challenge held in springtime of 2020. I was expecting only a few girls to join me for the week, and was so surprised when hundreds signed up. What was even more incredible was the way everyone connected and the transformations that took place! I knew we had something special here, and the spirit of BODYLOVE was born✨💕 This meditation is where our "ONLY LOVE" mantra comes from. It's where our TATTIES come from! Essentially: only love for the reflection you see in the mirror, sweet one. Only love for the most honest, unfiltered version of you. ONLY LOVE FOR EVERYTHING U ARE RIGHT NOW IN THIS MOMENT AND FOREVER MORE. RUTHLESSLY SO. I invite you to do this meditation when you have at least 15-20 mins to devote to yourself. Where no one is gonna bother you or interrupt. This one is so special... so prepare your heart and space accordingly💕 Adding it to this post for now, will put in the RECENTER 👉🏼 HEALING MEDITATIONS folder shortly 💕 Enjoy baddies! Let me know your experience with this one. It's been awhile 💕
Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2023-08-30 06:41:47 UTC