It’s BODYLOVE’S 2nd birthday🥹 🥳 It snuck up on me, as my current life has been a whirlwind of pre planning content + classes before I leave on a new tour. I just noticed the date today, and wanted to take a moment to just acknowledge how magical BODYLOVE has become. I just want to say how grateful I am for all of you here, and the way you have poured your hearts and stories into this space is what has made it the BEAUTIFUL, HEALING, POWERFUL, space that it is. I am astounded by you girls every time that you post, every time you share, every time I see your dance videos and the way you support each other. You all inspire me more than I could ever say. This space has grounded me in some of the rockiest moments of my life in the past 2 years. I hope it has done the same for you, and given you solace in the exact moments that you have needed it. I have such big visions for this space, and can’t wait to bring them to life. Thank you for everything 💕🌹 Love you angels
Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2023-08-29 19:33:33 UTC