Hi beauty queens I just wanted to say WOW. Seeing you guys share so vulnerably and beautifully in this space gives me so much LIFE. I am inspired by all of you and literally feels like my souls purpose is to cheer on you girlies as you come home to yourselves in all the little and big ways that you are. Please keep sharing, please keep hyping each other up. This community of badass lover girls is EVERYTHING 🥹💕 The other day I was on my way to film some new tuto’s for BL, and I called my dance teacher (I credit this woman for me having any dance career at all) and default life mentor. I’ve been feeling really burnt out in certain aspects of life and needed some words of wisdom. A few things she told me really resonated with me and I wanted to share with you too… She said, “You don’t have to have everything together to be kicking ass at life. You can be a mess and still be slaying dragons” then proceeded to remind me that “healthy and wealthy are the same word”. Two different ideas, but both helped me just BE with what is, while also remembering to prioritize the health of my mind, body, and soul to the best of my ability. Just wanted to share in case either of these tokens were needed for you today, too. I love you girls so deep! Thank you for being here.

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2023-08-15 22:07:53 UTC