First class ever of Heels and BODYLOVE!!! I used to dance all the time. I was obsessed with Ballet. Then teen years happened, and eating disorders followed. I stopped dancing when I was 17… I learned to build my life and myself outside of dance, but I always felt like I couldn’t express myself because I was not allowing myself to use my intuitive way of expression: dancing. Now 34, the eating disorder is back, but this time I decided to really learn how to love my body which I hated for as long as I remember. I felt like I needed to let myself free and express myself again. Then I stumbled ( thank you Instagram algorithm) upon BODYLOVE, registered did the first steps but couldn’t find the courage to learn a choreography. Until today! And OMG, I felt so sexy and empowered while dancing this beginner routine. I for sure need to improve, dancing on heels will require practice. I will let myself be flawed and imperfect, enjoying the journey. Today I danced, learned the steps, and then let my body & soul speak. Learned to dance without looking for perfect but for the feelings it gave me: power, sexiness, love, happiness… Thank you! Thank you for this gift Kayla! Thank you to this community who gave me the courage to post! Thank you!

Posted by Deleted (e954e477) at 2023-08-13 17:49:28 UTC