Todays story from @KAYLABRENDA really resonated with me. Last week I went to a class I’m normally comfortable in but walked in to a different teacher subbing the class. The sub taught the class at a different pace than I was used to with movements I wasn’t familiar with and I could feel myself tense up and lose focus. I was just looking at the clock counting down the minutes until it was over. I was SO uncomfortable. I’ve spent the days since going through what happened in my body and mind during that class. But Kayla’s story pretty much nails it—I abandoned myself in that class. I’m taking the beginner heels class this weekend and I’m super scared about it. But I’m trying to push through the discomfort, show up, do my best and mainly stay connected to myself. A quote that I’ve been leaning on this week: "The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself." Just wanted to share for anyone else who may also be in the thick of it and still working on trusting yourself. I see you ❤️
Posted by Micaela at 2023-07-12 19:50:52 UTC