Hi angels 💕 I just wanted to say that even though you are a part of this beautiful BodyLove community and are on a journey inviting as much love into your physical vessel as possible, you still might have bad body image days/moments and that’s ok. It doesn’t mean you are “doing it wrong”, or failing, it just means that this world is hard to take in sometimes, and holding ourselves close when we feel insecure or unworthy is a practice and a process. I just recently had an experience on set for a music video where I was slowly but surely engulfed in a whirlwind of insecurity - I literally felt like I was back in my 13 yr old skin just so self conscious and not feeling good enough. Luckily I was able to recognize the tornado of negative thoughts and just notice them as they swirled around me instead of clinging to each one like gospel. I got some relief in knowing that this was just part of the ebb and flow on the journey, and that once I got some sleep I would probably feel better. I did finally get some sleep, and afterward I did feel better. I was proud of myself for just being gentle with myself through the process instead of judging the fact that I was having a hard day. We all have our moments. It’s okay. Just stick with yourself. Trust your process. Let the negative thoughts pass by you like a river, and try not to turn around and grab onto any of them, or you might lose your footing. You are all so beautiful and perfect. You are all so worthy of every good thing. Trust your process my loves. Love you all so much 🦋🦋🦋🦋

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2023-05-05 00:30:04 UTC