DARLING ANGELS! ✨When’s the last time you focused on your breath? Genuinely tapped into yourself, released outside stresses, and felt the rise and fall of your breath? The very breath that helps you dance, sing, laugh, talk, LIVE! The very breath that pairs with our heartbeat and shows us we’re alive. It’s easy to let the focus slip away from our mind because of its power to run itself, but have you felt the benefits of intentionally breathing to every corner of your body? Every muscle? Every bone? We think you should 😘 **Head to the BREATHWORK FOLDER found in the CLASS LIBRARY. BODYLOVE offers 3 different classes! - BACK TO LIFE BREATHWORK w/ ALEXA SILVAGGIO 🌬️ - 10 MIN BREATH OF FIRE w/ ALLIE MICHELLE 🔥 - BOX BREATHING w/ ALLIE MICHELLE 💨 Take the time for yourself. Just breathe, angel <3 Love you Drink your water
Posted by bodylovesanctuary at 2023-04-06 18:51:34 UTC