Today I woke up with these illuminating words in my head and I wanted to share it. Its connected to post of kayla on instagram about we think we have time. So just want to share my thoughts 🙏🏼 Life can only be appreciated if you understand death. Waiting is for the people who think they have time. The moment to live is now. Savor it, feel it, taste it, believe in it because each moment is unique. Live life like its your last. Enjoy each moment like its forever. Nurture it and be it. Love like you have never loved before. Breath like you have never breathed before. Enjoy it like you have never tasted anything else before. Live it like its your last and live each day like you have never lived life like this your entire life. Breath. 🙏🏼❤ namaste

Posted by Deleted (ae610987) at 2021-09-13 09:35:24 UTC