Hi loves! Before this year comes to a close I wanted to express my gratitude for this space and this community. It came into my life during a time when I began to feel like I was losing my creative spark, when I was still learning who I was and trying to find my center again, and most importantly when all I really needed was just to feel. Aside from dance, poetry has always been the only thing that kept me in alignment with my deepest expression and was one of my favorite forms of release. But on the days my words are unable to find me, embodied movement helps give a voice to every word left unspoken, and through listening to that place helps me find what has been waiting to speak through me. This space has not only always met me where I am, but allowed me to meet the parts of myself I was never able to reach. I'm grateful to know if nothing else I have this place to allow me to come home to my body again and again. A vessel who turns their energy inward can never contain an empty heart. Happy New Year!! I hope this year fills you with all the love you deserve and more 🤍🤍🤍
Posted by jacquelynm at 2023-01-01 01:49:08 UTC