“A LOVE LETTER TO THE BODY” feat. ALLIE MICHELLE is now LIVE in your new EMBODY folder! Go to EMBODY > POETRY AND MOTION and you will see both Part One and Part Two ❤️ I’ll be honest, creating movement to this poem had me WRECKED for a full day. I didn’t realize how much I needed to let these words sink into my cells. I hope you are just as moved by this class as I was making it, and I hope you are able to offer yourself the space to feel deeply whatever comes up for you. I think it’s perfect that this class is dropping in the last month of the year, because what a stunning way to return to ourselves, no matter what the past 365 days have brought to us 🙏🏼 You will always have you. You can always return to you. Enjoy, beautiful souls. Also! What do you think of your new EMBODY folder!? We are doing some clean up and fine tuning on the back end, and want to make sure everything is as aesthetically pleasing and intuitive as possible. We’re going back through each piece of content and making sure it’s ideal, so you might see a few more changes around the app in the coming month or so 😉 LOVE YOU ALL

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-12-06 00:59:30 UTC