Hi beauties :) TWO THINGS! 1. BODYL(I)VE GROUP TAROT READING THIS SATURDAY AT 11A PST WITH @deletedmember ✨ While this BODYL(I)VE will be saved and posted for those that can't make it, I highly encourage you to attend live if you can! Not only to receive the real-time energy coming through the reading, but also to feel the energy of your sweetest community. It's so rare we get to tap into the same place at the same time, so come hang out!! Can't wait ♥️ 2. Just wanted to say a personal thank you to each of you that wished me a happy birthday either here on the app, or some other medium lol. As I reflect on my life and direction and purpose (as we all probably do around our birthdays), I want you to know that the brightest and most exciting adventure for me is so obviously this community. You all bring me so much grounding and purpose and inspiration, and I am thrilled to be able to offer you my life force in the form of dance class and guidance and badassery😂 I love what we have here, and I cant wait to keep building and creating! Love you all so much

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-11-17 00:25:57 UTC