I found out yesterday that a group of girls that I thought were my friends have been slut shaming me and calling me a prostitute behind my back - with their one and only protagonist being my dancing, my sensual heels classes, my willingness to share it online. I’m feeling really frazzled. Genuinely I feel bad for them clearly not being enlightened and not knowing the power of leaning into our womanhood, whether the femininity is light or dark. I also feel incredibly angry that these women are using my success to uplift themselves at my expense. Mostly I’m feeling incredibly torn about what to do, I want to respond, I want to stand up for not only myself but my sensual beautiful dancer community. I don’t know what to do. Has anyone else been here before? Does anyone have any good podcasts I can either share for their reference or listen to myself for healing? So much love ❤️✨🥺

Posted by Trace at 2022-11-10 21:49:54 UTC