My angels my queens my beautiful souls! Your last class of our GODDESS ELEMENTS is now live in the RECENTER folder: a 30 Min Intuitive Movement Practice by @Kristal Doga . I did this one myself and it was one of those where I didn't know how much I needed it until I was in it and my soul just started flooding and expanding all these different directions. I had a beautiful experience and I know you will too 🖤 The link to class is below! If you missed any of the Elements classes as we were journeying through, don't worry! They are all being organized into their own folder that will live on your home page, so if you want to go back and go through each class by Element in your own time, they will be there for you! Will post again to notify you when the folder is beautifully organized and live 🖤 Love you all so very much! I hope you know how needed you all are and how powerful you all are. Take some time to love on you today, to do something sweet for yourself, to get into your body 💜 You are so worth it.

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-07-30 21:55:12 UTC