Your first JULY class is here! This month's element is: EARTH 🌍 I choreographed this the day the news went crazy over the possibility that Roe might be overturned. I had time set aside to create for BodyLove, and while I had originally planned on making something fun and sexy, this was the only movement that would allow itself to come through. No other movement felt right. I was feeling into the energy of the Great Mother, and the collective feminine as a whole. For the earth as well as women, we are sources of pure life, nourishment, power, and the origin of all of creation. You would think The Source would be protected at all costs, and yet look at the way we treat the Earth. Look at the way we treat women. I’m enraged, obviously, as we all are. The only thing that soothes my spirit is that I believe in the sisterhood and community of women outside of male-dominated structures and governments and patriarchy. We can fight to change these systems, and I know we’ll give them hell, but there’s something deeper in women that functions outside of the rules they’ve set for us. I think of the ancient medicine women, healers, doulas, that have always taken care of women in impossible circumstances. I think of the current medical professionals that have been preparing for this, and are already making intelligent moves. I think of the way women take care of each other in impossible circumstances every day. We belong to each other, and we always have. We can mobilize and network outside of their rules, as we always have. I have zero trust for the patriarchal governments, but I have endless trust in women. This piece is dedicated to the unshakeable resilience and inextinguishable magic of the feminine, and the spirit of Mother Earth which breathes inside of us all. The beauty, the pain, the creativity, the constant rising. You can find the ADVANCED VERSION (shown here) in the ADVANCED HEELS FOLDER, and the BEGINNING VERSION of this piece in the BEGINNING HEELS FOLDER. We are flowers of the universe. We belong to each other ♥️
Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-07-07 04:59:39 UTC