Oh my goodness the inner child dance meditation by Kayla really got me. I had to dance it out a few times because honestly my body, mind and soul needed it. This is from my inner child and then myself telling her that she is safe. This whole meditation had me crying throughout because yes so many things have brought me down in my life, but I also brought myself down. I wasn’t always safe to myself. That was the hardest part. Telling myself that I am safe because I have always had these thoughts of hurting myself and sometimes I’ve acted on them. But I made a promise to myself and my inner child that although those thoughts are there sometimes, I have the power to push through them and help myself. I can love myself, I can be my own best friend, I can be there for myself. Doing this type of dance was scary, but also uplifting because I know I’m healing and doing better for myself. Thank you so much @KAYLABRENDA for creating that meditation. I really needed it. My inner child’s message was “don’t worry, you’ll get through it, you’re amazing, and I love you” and wow did I need to hear that too.
Posted by jesskitties at 2022-07-02 02:18:54 UTC