NEW CLASS 🌬 Life is hard as fuck. I think that's one thing we can all agree on, and the one thing I feel I'm finally learning after 31 years, is how to identify when my nervous system is in a FRINGGGEEE, and then make space in my day to take action to soothe it. This is why each class in the RECENTER folder exists. We want you to have a "go to" when you need a moment to calm the inflammation; when you need to bring yourself back to life... or if not life, at least back to center ♥️ BACK TO LIFE BREATH WORK WITH ALEXA SILVAGGIO 💕 A 15 min breath work practice for the days that you are overwhelmed, overextended, and need to reboot the system. Everything works better when you unplug it for awhile, including you:) This practice is a game changer if done daily. Alexa finds that practicing daily helps her to really embody her body, and be truly present with what is. Your nervous system is going to love this one.

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-06-08 16:53:36 UTC