Happy June, and welcome to our month of WIND 🌬 When I was exploring the qualities of this element, I was exploring ideas of fantasy, dreams, ephemeral wisps, and forces that lack physical form. As I was feeling into these intentions, a quote came to mind, and then kept coming to mind, and then came to mind so frequently as I was building these classes that I absolutely knew it had to be the core inspiration of this element. “Healing comes in wisps and whispers” This quote has always stuck with me because it paints such a beautiful picture of the healing journey. Contrary to what we may prefer, healing never happens all at once, or overnight. It doesn’t happen in a linear pattern, or on a set timeline. There is no guarantee when or how fast you will heal, just that You. Will. Heal. Healing comes at the most unexpected times, in the most unexpected places. It can feel like a fresh breath of air in your lungs, or can pass over your skin like a soft breeze. It is unseen, it is wild, gentle, brief, and always leaves you a bit more whole. I wanted the classes this month to take us inward, toward our own healing journey’s, whatever they may be. I wanted these practices to focus less on the outside, and more on the inside, hopefully carving out moments in your daily life where you can settle the noise around you, open the door to healing, and invite it to meet you in wisps and whispers. Gorgeous gorgeous girls are here to heal 💜 Your first class of the month is a guided Movement Meditation by MEEE (omg) and takes us face to face with our inner child. I am so excited about meeting you all in class in this new way (a first for me!), and I truly hope your heart feels held as you take this journey toward your Little Self. You are so loved.
Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-06-05 22:30:21 UTC