I’ve had one doozy of a week, my loves. As i stand at the end of it now with a new reality in many ways, all I can do is use the fire of change to burn away more of what was never me in the first place. I think a lot of times when we go through fucked up shit in life, we tend to use those experiences as reasons to close off, shut down, or as proof that we were never enough. But who benefits from those beliefs? Certainly not me, and certainly not the world that I am devoted to sharing my light with. What if each trial cracked us OPEN a little wider, so that our soul shines through with even more brilliance? What if instead of letting life knock us down and drench our flames, the flames got even hotter? I pick option two 🔥🙌🏼🔥 Thanks for being here, angels. Thank you for being such a bright light in my days. I have so much love for each and every one of you!

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-03-20 06:01:07 UTC