GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GIRLS GO TO BODYL(I)VES ON SATURDAY 🤗💞 DR.CLAIRE IS GONNA BLOW OUR MINDS TOMORROW! Every time I’ve heard this woman speak about the pelvic floor, I have this reaction of: “HOW DID I MAKE IT THIS FAR IN LIFE WITHOUT KNOWING THIS!?” I can’t wait for her to bless your ears with some awesome ways to take care of yourself that possibly you didn’t even know! Make sure to tune in to BODYL(I)VE tomorrow at 1pm PST, 4p EST… and if you wanna do your homework, go check out Dr. Claire’s EMPOWER class “Say Hello To Your Pelvic Floor”. I promise you will learn something! Dr. Claire will be opening the floor for questions at the end of her Smalltalk tomorrow. PS. Did you know you can check ALL the event deets, access the event directly, and sign up/rsvp to event by choosing the “EVENTS” tab from the main menu? Check out this video to see how! Love you gorgeous gorgeous human souls 💞

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-02-11 18:46:05 UTC