GUESS WHAT LOVERS!? ANOTHER BODYL(I)VE IS COMING YOUR WAY! Join DR. CLAIRE DELCAMBRE, Doctor of Physical Therapy Specializing in Pelvic Health and Founder of HEY BABE WELLNESS, as she introduces us to a few key ways we can support our pelvic floor AND some insight on how to treat this mysterious symphony of muscles within our pelvis. Afterward, Dr. Claire will open the floor for questions! (If you haven't yet, we highly recommend checking out Dr. Claire's class "SAY HELLO TO YOUR PELVIC FLOOR" in the EMPOWER folder before tuning in! Not required, but suggested, as it may give you a good base for the topic of discussion!) SMALLTALK is an audio-only chatroom that we are utilizing this month to host some intimate SELF-LOVE inspired community connects! We love SMALLTALK because as it is audio-only, there is no pressure to be on camera, and by not focusing on a visual aspect, we are able to connect deeper inward. Click the link below to view event details and sign up and RSVP! Can't wait!
Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-02-10 17:00:14 UTC