IT'S SELF-LOVE MONTH ON BODYLOVE! Not only did we just drop SEVEN new classes, we are also deeming February SELF LOVE MONTH within our Community. Why? Because my angel my queen my goddess my magical human soul, YOU are so deserving of all the love and attention you so willingly give to others. YOU are so deserving of your own tenderness and passion and time and effort. This month we want to support you in carving out nourishing moments just for YOU. Get ready to dive in :) Keep reading to find out what NEW CLASSES just dropped on BODYLOVE! Kayla Brenda is back with brand new CHAIR pieces in each HEELS level! Get ready to activate your center as you work with a chair as a prop, but more importantly get ready to activate that GODDESS energy and SEDUCE YOUR OWN DAMN SELF! WATER AND WAVES FULL BODY STRETCH FLOW! I (Kayla) created this full body stretch flow while in Tahiti with my mom. I let myself breathe in the energy of the ocean, and followed the movement of the water. I loved embodying the essences of FLOW and used it to create space and expansion within the body. These are two of my favorite flows to date, and I hope you are able to spend some intentional quality time with your sweet bod in these flows. Grab your yoga mat, surround your space with seashells, and find each level in the STRETCH folder! It's giving mermaid! This month we are giving EMPOWERMENT through KNOWLEDGE. We invited Dr. Claire Delcambre, Doctor of Physical Therapy Specializing in Pelvic Heath and Founder of HEY BABE WELLNESS to introduce us to the untapped power within our pelvis, and guide us in supporting and strengthening our pelvic floor! Claire will help attune us to the muscles that make up our pelvic floor and support everything from core stability to bladder control, to intimate wellbeing. Get excited, you will learn to do a proper kegel, and how to pewp in a way that makes your body happy :) When we know more, we can do more to advocate for our health and wellbeing. Find this class in the EMPOWER folder. Get ready to think sexy thoughts! In her SECOND CLASS: SWITCHIN' POSITIONS (A Sexy Time Warm Up) Dr. Claire brings us a mindfulness and mobility practice to help relax, mobilize, and warm up our pelvic floor for better, more enjoyable sex. Have a sexy playlist ready as you do this sessy warm up, and find this class in the EMPOWER folder. #NEWYEARNEWBOUNDARIES We released this class last month, but wanted to include it in SELF LOVE MONTH, because boundaries can be one of the most beautiful acts of loving yourself. Ever struggled with boundaries, or even really understanding what your boundaries are in the first place? Emotional Embodiment Coach Jessie Levine guides us through a process of feeling into and energetically activating our own boundaries.This class will help you embody your own personal boundaries, and bring awareness to the sensation of what healthy boundaries feel like to you. YES PLEASE!! This class can be found in the EMBODY folder. Remember... SELF CARE ISN'T SELFISH. "If you want to be treasured, you have to treasure yourself first, and then show someone how to treasure you" You, more than anyone else, are worthy of your own time and attention. Stay tuned for some exclusive BODYLOVE events coming up this month. Can't wait to connect to you all in a new way and build this community even stronger ❤️
Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2022-02-02 00:08:55 UTC