Hey body love queeeeens ♥️ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! it’s so so lovely to meet u here :) @KAYLABRENDA just uploaded a 2022 vision board workshop that I filmed for our community a few days ago!!! If ur in a dreaming/envisioning/manifesting moooood and/or if ur feeling kinda overwhelmed and lost and like omg what is this year going to look like!?!? (🙋♀️) put on some comfy clothes, gather some art supplies, pour urself ur fav drink and let’s make the 2022 vision board of ur DREAMS!!!!! u can find it in the recenter section 🦋🦋 and please SHARE ur vision with us so we can get alll excited for u hehehe Warning: this is POWERFUL!!!! Bc ur mind is powerful. the first word I wrote was Bali and today I booked a ticket (ur all invited you’ll see in the video hehe)!!! SOOOO looking forward to seeing ur visions ♥️♥️♥️ and remember. If u can think, dream it, write it…. u can do it, create it, live it.
Posted by Deleted (04f293c8) at 2022-01-02 21:58:59 UTC