Ermergerrrd gorls! After resting my body for a few days after Christmas, I felt like my body needed to move and strengthen a bit today so I hit up the EMPOWER folder. I did Sloan’s 15 min Glute focus pilates class, and paired it with Britney’s 30 min Core class. I FEEL SO STRONG RIGHT NOW 🤘🏼 I was expecting to be dead☠️ afterwards, but am feeling just the right amount of ass kickery🤣🙌🏼 As I start this year, I want to focus more on cross training my strength. As a dancer I am strong in dance ways, but with the stop and go of COVID the past two years, I want to do everything I can for my muscles to be able to support what I do. About to hit up Sloan and Britney right now and schedule them to film more classes 😅👀

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2021-12-31 01:08:49 UTC