BESTIES! TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! I wanted to drop in today and let you know that I am truly so grateful to each and every one of you for being here, and for bringing your hearts to this community. I see each and every one of you and I really cant put into words the love I have for this community. The SOUL here is more than I could have ever dreamed, and I am continuously inspired and motivated just by the fact that you are here. Theres been many days where I’ve been just plain exhausted, or feeling like “I wonder if this space matters to them the same way it matters to me”, and without fail, on those days I will always receive a message, or run into one of you, or see something you post here that reminds me that you love this space too. That you are growing. And finding new parts of yourselves, and uncovering new power. And in those moments I know all of the hard work is beyond worth it. Thank you. Thank you for helping me keep my own light on. If you take anything from me/this space, I hope its the belief that you are endlessly POWERFUL and DESERVE TO EXIST AS THE MOST FULLY EXPRESSED AND EMBODIED, MULTIFACETED MAGICAL VERSION OF YOURSELF IN ALL THE WAYS. You are magic. Your body is your wisdom. Your heart is your guide. This community is all I could ever want for this birthday. Please hug yourselves today and pretend its a hug from me ♥️ If you wanna do something today to spread the love and uplift this space, head over to the app/google play store and leave BODYLOVE a 5 star review if you haven’t yet. Those little things matter more than you know! I love you guys so much. Thank you for being you. For journeying with me. For trusting that I GOT YOU. Cant wait for all that is to come in this next year!! You guys are my priority. Xoxoxoxo

Posted by KAYLABRENDA at 2021-11-14 17:38:48 UTC