EIGHT NEW CLASSES JUST DROPPED ON BODYLOVE! Happy November, you beautiful badasses! Check out the NEW CLASSES that just dropped on the BODYLOVE App! We can't wait for you to dive into these! • Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced HEELS classes with Professional dancer, model, choreographer and body positive public figure: Dexter Mayfield (If you don't know him yet, PLEASE go stalk him on insta and get ready to be absolutely OBESSED!! Dexter is a mf VIBE in ALL the ways, and an AMAZING teacher) Check out his classes in each level of HEELS. • We know how much you all want to work on your splits, so we added both Beginning level and Intermediate/Advanced level STRETCH classes focused on finding length within the muscles involved in our FRONT SPLITS, with Kayla Brenda . • Get ready to go on a on creative journey inward as you explore your relationship to your sexual/sensual self in a 25 minute guided JOURNALING EXERCISE in the RECENTER folder. This class is so beautiful, and if you only have time for ONE class this month, make it this one! BODYLOVE is so excited to introduce you to the gorgeous yoga, mindfulness, and journaling guide that is Anthea Taeuber. • Wanna get your muscles activated but don't have the time to dive into a full class? Head to the EMPOWER folder and try the FULL BODY ACTIVATION EXERCISE with sports chiropractor, and fitness and recovery coach Dr. Julia Morgan. So perfect for all you babes on the go! • Make sure to get in touch with your dark and sensual side with Kayla Brenda's new SENSUAL EMBODIMENT class "GOOD TO BE BAD". Cheers to Scorpio Season! • Have you tapped into the ENTHRONED: HONORING THE DIVINE FEMININE SERIES yet? Get ready to drop deep into your body, sensuality, and soul in with six exclusive three-part workshops from the most incredible female healers/thought leaders of our time. If you haven't sunk your teeth into the ENTHRONED series yet, the work that is shared will literally shift the way you exist... IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND WE DO NOT SAY THAT LIGHTLY. Harness that Goddess energy, queens! Tap in! We can't wait to hear what you think of these new classes!! We love hearing about what you love, so always feel free to post your biggest takeaway's from class in the COMMUNITY FEED! LOVE YOU ANGELS! ENJOY!
Posted by Deleted (52a949d9) at 2021-11-01 14:15:57 UTC