Hello I just want to share this to anyone who might need to hear this right now πŸ™πŸΌβ€ namaste. A lot of people are so desperate to be love or so desperately in need to be love that they have forgotten that they shouldnt be looking externally but internally. We cannot blame others for not loving us the way we need us to be loved. Because we didnt set boundaries. And we cannot blame ourselves for not setting boundaries because we didnt know how. We loved too much to the point that we lose ourselves and forget ourselves. We expect others to love us the same way we love them but the truth is no one is going to love you better than you. No one is going to love you the way you do because you're the only one who knows how much you can love and thats why you need to love you because no one knows or can love you the way you do. And because of that you learn how to see your worth and set healthy boundaries because you know how much you're willing to give and offer. And no one else knows that but you so love yourself sooooo much till you vibrate in it. And needing love from others doesnt become a necessity but an option, a bonus for us. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸΌβ€

Posted by Deleted (ae610987) at 2021-10-18 21:23:37 UTC